New lead for Mike G
I sent you screenshots. An old friend of mine, Yvonne, is looking for an accountant for her biz. I hope she reaches out. Good luck!
I sent you screenshots. An old friend of mine, Yvonne, is looking for an accountant for her biz. I hope she reaches out. Good luck!
Let me know if a friend of mine, Chastity Kiely, reaches out to you.
Just told a friend of mine, Caryn, to reach out to you. She posted on fb that she currently has State Farm, but looking to possibly make a switch due to cost.
Gave Edward and Pamela Smith your contact information to start talking about Medicare options
First Shot bball social
Gave Brian and Sarah Loveland your contact information for tax preparation
Gave Angela your contact information to give to her Boss Christine for Health insurance. I don't know much about her company. She is supposed to email me her company information
Jose & Yvette Sanchez
Store Owners & Educators
Sunmed™ | Your CBD Store®
Trip Collins and Jennifer Pullium - sent for business taxes, estate and personal taxes.
I just gave my husband, John Siegriest, your contact info. Good luck!